-Make it paste with some water and apply it over unwanted hair.
-Use it regularly for 40 days and you will get rid of unwanted hair permanently.
6].Thanakam (Will be available in ayurvedic stores. Ask with the same name.)
Kusumala Nune(Safflower Oil)
First of all remove the hair cleanly.
Grind Thanakam in kusuma oil to make a paste.
Apply this paste on the place and massage it well.
Do this for 100 days.
This is a permanent remedy and works for sure.
Recipe No.1:
· Bitter Guard Pieces
· Lodduga Chekka
· Neem Leaves
· Danimma (pomegranate) fruit peel
· Mango Tree Bark(outer dark brown part)
-Take the ingredients together and grind them to paste.
-Apply this paste to body like Nalugu and take bath after half an hour.
-By doing it daily skin glows and skin tone improves a lot.
Recipe No.2
Tomato : 50 gm
Carrot : 50 gm
Beet root : 10 to 20 gm
Lemon : 1 No.
Candy sugar (Patika bellam ) : 150 gm
Honey : 50 gm
Extract juice of tomato, carrot, beet root and filter the same. Add candy sugar powder to it and prepare ‘paakam’ on SIM flame only. Add honey and lemon to the above and store in a bottle.
1 to 2 spoons with one glass water along with a little fresh lemon juice. If blood is less, use 3 times a day.
The bi-product remaining after juice is extracted can be used for face pack.
Anaemia problem subsides, skin glows and face complexion increases.
Recipe No.3
Add cream of milk to the bi-product obtained in recipe one and grind it in a mixie. Apply the paste as face pack thickly all over the face and below the eyes.
Expose your face to blue light (table lamp) so that the juice penetrates into the skin of face.
Stains, black spots are eliminated and face will glow after 15 to 20 days daily usage.
Recipe No.4
Complexion in winters.
Take a clean cotton kerchief and absorb the dew collected on tree leaves. Apply gently on face. Wait half an hour and take bath.
Face will glow brightly.
Recipe No5
Meditation for complexion:
Sit in Dhyana mudra and visualize that rays from cool moon light are falling on face while breathing in. Visualise that all stains, black spots on face are removed by the cool and pleasant moonlight while breathing out. Do this 15 to 20 min daily.
Before sleeping daily, visualize that your face is becoming fair and glowing with bright light and becoming attractive. One will reap the benefits without fail.
Recipe No.6
Chiri senagalu (small chana) : 500 gm
Add little by little chana to kadai on SIM flame and fry by adding 2 drops of cow’s ghee. Make powder after cooling.
Add cow’s milk or ghee and half spoon kasturi/turmeric, make fine paste and apply as a face pack.
Dark circles below eyes and black spots on chin/cheeks will vanish with good change within 4 to 5 days.
Rita powder (kunkudukayala podi) : 100 gm
Seekakaya powder : 100 gm
Usirika powder : 100 gm
Maaredu fruits powder (or paste) : 100 gm
Mix all of them and store.
Soak 3 spoonfuls powder for gents or 6 spoonfuls for ladies in hot water for 3 to 4 hours. Add one lemon’s juice and mix with a spoon. Apply the liquid paste to the head by massaging and after waiting for 5 min take bath. Follow the procedure once a week for 8 weeks.
Hair will grow strong and shiny.
Some girls may not mature even they have reached certain age. For them the following remedy works well.
. Mango Tree Bark(outer dark brown part)
· Pure Cow Milk
Grind and pound Mango tree bark and filter out 20 gms of juice from it.
Mix it in a small glass of cow milk and make the girl drink it daily.
This will remove any dosha in stomach and will help in maturing.
1. Take garlic peel in large quantity because on making ash it will come to small quantity.
2. Roast the garlic peel on a pan till it becomes black ash.
3. Filter the ash to get fine powder with a cotton cloth.
4. Add olive oil to this ash to make it just like hair die.
5. Preserve it for 7 days(do not store in refrigerator).
6. After 7 days apply it to hair in the same way as hair die. Preferably apply it at evening times and have head bath next morning.
7. For still better results don't do head bath the next day instead keep it like that for 2 to 3 days and then have a bath.
White Hair
-Have cow milk(preferably non-hybrid cow).
-Consume Guntagalagara(bringaraja) chatney along with food.
-Consume karam podi(made of mirchi powder,coconut, seseme seed oil) along with rice.
-Take good quality neem oil(vepa nune).
-One hour before having food, pour a drop of neem oil in nostrils and breath in.
-Bringaraj leaves, Usiri powder, Athimadhuram,
-Mix above and roast them.
-Then mix it with equal proportions of Black seseme seed powder(Nalla nuvvula podi) and candy sugar powder.
-Filter the powder.
- Have it along with a cup of water daily one hour before having food.
-Initially have half teaspoon and increase the dosage to one teaspoon regularly.
Recipe No.1:
Yogasanas for hair loss:
2) Matsyasana
Recipe No.2:
Take Jaaji leaves (sanna jaaji or vira jaaji) and flowers equally and add cow’s urine (naatu aavu mootram). Grind to paste and apply to hair in layers. Apply with the feeling that my hair will regrow. Wait for one hour before bath.
People with Kapha prakruti should take bath in the afternoon.
Perform the above at least once in a week.
Recipe No.3:
Hairfall due to paenu korukudu:
Drumsticks (nela munakkayalu), Nela vamkayalu and nela tomato roots in equal proportion. Make paste out of three varieties of roots and apply to scalp. If dry, fruits of above are available in the market. Make powder and mix with water to make paste before applying to scalp.
Recipe No.4:
Sugandha hair oil for hair fall and loss of hair in patches:
Raddish juice : 100 gm
Gunta galagara aaku juice: 100 gm
Onion juice : 100 gm
Podina juice : 100 gm
Palleru juice : 100 gm
Sesame oil (Nuvvula noone) : 500 gm
Mix all the above and buil till the juice evaporates and oil remains. Store in glass bottle.
Every day in the night apply warm oil and rub oil where patches are lost with the thoughts that my hair is regrowing in that part.
Recipe No.5:
Kesa soundarya tailamu:
Good quality coconut oil : 1 lt
Usiri rasamu (goose berry juice) : 1 lt
Guntagalagara aaku : 1 lt. (juice extracted without mixing water)
Aakupatri (Biryani aaku) : 50 gm
Paste of Tungagaddalu : 50 gm + Vattivellu 50 gm + Gandh kachchuralu : 50 gm + Maruvam/davanam : 50 gm (Make paste by adding water or milk)
Soak all the above constituents for 24 hours and boil on SIM flame till oil remains. Filter and store in a bottle. Apply to hair atleast thrice in a week.
Ample Hair growth in bunches.
Recipe No.1:
Coconut oil : 100 gm
Lemon juice : 100 gm (filtered)
Mix both of above constituents and boil in a mud vessel till the juice evaporates and oil remains (till the bubble formations disappear). Cool it and store in a bottle.
Apply on the head overnight till the scalp is soaked. Take head bath next day morning with Rita/Seekakai but not with shampoo.
Dandruff is eliminated and hair is protected.
Recipe No.2:
Red mandara (single petals) flowers : 100gm juice
Sesame oil (Nuvvula noone) : 100 gm
Black cow’s urine: 100 gm (Optional)
Mix three contents and boil on SIM flame. Filter and store in bottle.
Apply on the head overnight till the scalp is soaked. Take head bath next day morning with Rita/Seekakai but not with shampoo.
Dandruff eliminates and hair is protected.
Recipe No.3:
Make paste of Mandara flowers, black cow’s urine and black sesame seeds by grinding. Apply paste to head and take bath after one hour.
Wash pillow covers, combs after each application of paste. Do not use other’s combs.
Recipe No.4:
Fry khus khus and soak in sufficient HOT water for 4 to 5 hours. Apply to the hair in layers. After one hour take bath with Rita/Ayurvedic Shampoo.
Recipe No.5:
Make powder from Vasa sticks and store. Mix little powder with water make paste and apply to scalp. A little burning sensation may be there. Take bath with Rita powder after 15 to 30 min. take head bath as above once a week.
Old Dandruff will be completely eliminated.
Make a paste of Sonti and Lavanga(cloves) with water. Apply this paste daily. It cures pimples effectively.
Make a paste of JAJIKAYA with water. Apply this paste for 30 days. Pimples will be reduced and no marks will be left.
Cut an Onion(neerulli) into two halves. Take one half and rub it to face. After half an hour wash face. Do it regularly and pimples will be cured.
Kasturi Pasupu(Turmeric powder)
Lemon juice
Mix them to get a paste. Apply this to face regularly. Pimples will be cured.
Apply the water that is obtained after washing rice(ganji). This will also cure pimples.
(Few recipes - As published in Dr.Elchuri's literature)
Recipe No.1:
Take Rasanjanam, karakkaya, usirikaya in equal parts make powder and store. If the day of menstruation is counted as first, take 5 gm ofthis powder with cold water from 4th day to 16th day. Conception will be prevented. To be done every month.
Recipe No.2:
Take Pippali, vayuvidangalu, veligaram boiled on coal in equal parts (all in powder form) mix and store. Take 3 gms with milk from 4th day to 16th day. Conception can be prevented. To be done every month.
Recipe No.3:
Take 10 gms chiri vellu juice along with water of soaked rice (biyyam kadigina neeru) on 11th, 12th and 13th day. Conception will be prevented. To be done every month.
Black spots on Lips will develop due to excess paitya in stomach and entry of vaayu in head.
Recipe No.1:
Dhania powder : 100 gm (Fry and make powder)
Jeera Powder : 100 gm (Fry and make powder)
Candy sugar : 100 gm (Powder)
Mix the above and store. Take one spoon with water twice a day.
Black stains, cracks, swelling, whitishness on the sides, burning sensation will get eliminated.
Recipe No.2:
Grind rose petals with butter and apply on the lips in the night and wash early in the morning. Lips beauty will be preserved.
Recipe No.3:
Grind crystal salt (kallu uppu) to fine powder, sieve it and add to ghee.Apply the paste to lips.
Sores on lips, black spots, cracks will be cleared.
Recipe No.4:
Add 2 or 3 drops of Glycerine or lemon juice to half tomato juice and massage on lips. Black spots will be cleared.
Recipe No.5:
Jaaji kaya powder : 50 gm
Good turmeric : 50 gm
Cow’s ghee : 50 gm
Powder of jaaji kaya: Pour milk in a vessel. Cover the top with a cloth duly tied. Place jaaji kaya pieces on the top of cloth and boil on SIM for 10 min.The vapor of milk is absorbed by jaaji pieces. They dry the pieces and make powder.
Turmeric powder: Collect good quality turmeric sticks and make powder.Sieve and store.
Mix jaaji powder and turmeric and store in a bottle. Add sufficient ghee to ½ spoon powder, make paste and apply to lips.
Stains will go away and lips will turn beautiful and glow with redness,.
Swelling, cracks, sores etc also will be eliminated.
Recipe No.6:
Jaajiaya powder : 10 gm
Turmeric : 10 gm
Cow’s ghee : 10 gm
Bees wax : 20 gm
Boil bees wax and ghee on SIM flame, sieve and add turmeric, jaaji powder.Grind them to paste and store in an air tight tin. Apply paste before going to bed.
Black spots on account of entry of ‘vaayu in head’ will vanish and lips will glow naturally.
Recipe No.7:
Apply 1 or 2 drops mustard oil in the navel (boddu) and gently massage navel.
Lips will become crack free and glow naturally.
Recipe No.8:
Make pieces of Ippa chekka, wash and dry. Pound them to paste, sieve and store.
Add a little ghee to 1/8 spoon powder and apply to lips in the night .
Cracks, sores, blackness will disappear and lips will become smooth and glow.
Hair baldness arises due to
i) Non applictaion of hair oil.
ii) Development of excess heat
iii) Lack of exercises
Recipe No.1:
Yoga and exercises:
i) Spell out 'Om' for 10 times
ii) Sarvangasanam
iii) Ushtrasanam
iv) Shupta Vajrasanam
v) Visualisation exercise:
Sit in sukhasana posture, close your eyes and visualise your head portion. Visualise that all the excess heat from your head is dissipated. Visualise locks of silky, shinking hair growth in the bald portion without any bald patches. Do this for 10 minutes daily. Hair regrows.
Recipe No.2:
Tonsure the entire head and do the following:
i) Apply raddish juice with a cotton cloth by stretching the skin where bald is present so that the applied juice enters the blocked roots of the hair. Apply juice round the head and on the patches of hair loss before going to bed. Take bath early in the morning with Ayurvedic shampoo.
ii) Put 2 droops of sesame oil in the nostrils and breathe in. Due to this the closed pores of the root ends of hair that was lost will reopen and hair regrows.
iii) Repeat the tonsure process once again after 15 days and apply raddish juice and nose drops as mentioned above.
Benefits: Within 3 to 6 months hair regrows again in the bald portions.
Recipe No.3:
Kalabanda hair oil:
Kalabanda gujju : 1/4 kg.
Coconut oil : 1/4 kg.
Mix the above and boil on SIM flame till oil remains. Before removing from flame add a fistful of maruvam/davanam. Before the leaves turn black, remove from flame, filter and store.
Oil can be used daily. Those having hair problems, the oil should be applied in warm condition to each layer of hair till it soaks into the roots.
The roots of hair will be strengthened, excess heat in head reduces, nerves will be cooled, dandruff will be eliminated, oiliness in head goes away, itching in head vanishes, hair fall, grey hair, bald head, penukorukudu etc. problems will be solved.
Recipe No.4:
Jatamamsi : 100 gm
Chengalva kostu : 100 gm
Black sesame : 100 gm
Sugandhaphala roots : 100 gm
Tamara ginjalu : 100 gms.
Grind all the above to paste with water, add 500 gm naatu cow's ghee and boil on SIM flame till ghee remains. Filter the ghee and store.
Apply this ghee to the head daily or atleast two times a week.
Baldhead problem will be resolved.
Recipe No.5:
Tips for Bald head problem:
i) Wrap wet cloth around head. Wrap one dry cloth over it and on the top one thikck bed sheet. Excess heat is removed, head gets warmed and the closed roots will re-open.
ii) Apply neem oil or mustard oil by Nasya karma
iii) Apply hair oil atleast two times a week. Use Bringraj hair oil or kalbanda hair oil or usirika hairoil or coconut oil till the oil reaches roots. Gently massage and wrap one cloth. Take head bath with soap nut or seeka kaya early in the morning.
iv) Soak 5 pieces triphalas (Taanikaaya, usirikaya, karakkaya) over night. Apply the filtered water to head and comb the hair. Hair fall stops and hair regrows.
v) Apply onion juice with cotton cloth on the bald patches and gently massage. Take bath after it is dried.
vi) Make paste of onion seeds powder by grinding with water. Apply the paste on the bald patches and take bath after it dries.
Recipe No.6:
Take boorugu jiguru (gum), nela taadi dumpalu and tamara ginjalu in equal proportion, make pieces, dry and make powder and store. Take little powder grind it with water and apply the paste to the bald portion. Wait for one hour and wash. Do this for 2 to 3 times a week till the hair restarts growing.
Recipe No.1:
Food tips:
Avoid eating chocolate, outside food.
Take nuvvula laddu, minappappu laddus, coconut laddus, dampudu rice.
Recipe No.2:
Atibala tailam:
Take tutturubenda/mudrabenda/Atibala leaves, branches and roots. Make piece, dry them and make atibala powder.
Add ¼ kg vasa sticks powder to ¼ kg Atibala powder. Take 50 gm of above powder in a flat glass vessel and add 150 gm sesame oil. Place it in sunshine for 3 days. Then filter oil and store.
Apply to entire body before one hour of bath and gently massage.
Physique will improve to the required size. This is the oil which Gaandhari applied to Duryodhana in Mahabharata times.
Recipe No.3:
Cow’s milk : 20 gm
Cow’s ghee : 10 gm
Good honey : 20 gm
Candy sugar crystals : 20 gm
Boil milk, cool and add all the above constituents. Take food at 7 pm and take the above milk at 10 pm for one week. Increase the milk by 5 gm after one week and repeat for four weeks.
Weak persons become strong and will build up good personality.
Recipe No.4:
Nuvvula noone:
Apply nuvvula noone to the entire body one hour before bath and gently massage.
Weak persons become fat and fat persons become lean to the desired proportion.
Recipe No.5:
i) Take ginger, lemon and honey 1 spoon each for indigestion.
ii) Agastya lehyam – one spoon thrice a day.
iii) Ayurvedic sambar powder
Recipe No.6:
Take good jowar, barley seeds in equal proportion and fry on SIM flame separately. Prepare ravva separately and store them separately.
-Take 50 gm ravva of jowar in the morning, boil it in cow’s milk, add 5 or 6 dry grapes, 4 or 5 spoons ghee and take paayasam in the morning.
-Repeat the same with 50 gm barley ravva in the night.
Appetite increases and lean persons become fat within four weeks.
5]Jammi Chettu beredu (Jammi Tree Bark).
-Rub it against a soft stone(Like u rub Pasupu Kommu) to get fine powder.-Make it paste with some water and apply it over unwanted hair.
-Use it regularly for 40 days and you will get rid of unwanted hair permanently.
6].Thanakam (Will be available in ayurvedic stores. Ask with the same name.)
Kusumala Nune(Safflower Oil)
First of all remove the hair cleanly.
Grind Thanakam in kusuma oil to make a paste.
Apply this paste on the place and massage it well.
Do this for 100 days.
This is a permanent remedy and works for sure.
Recipe No.1:
· Bitter Guard Pieces
· Lodduga Chekka
· Neem Leaves
· Danimma (pomegranate) fruit peel
· Mango Tree Bark(outer dark brown part)
-Take the ingredients together and grind them to paste.
-Apply this paste to body like Nalugu and take bath after half an hour.
-By doing it daily skin glows and skin tone improves a lot.
Recipe No.2
Tomato : 50 gm
Carrot : 50 gm
Beet root : 10 to 20 gm
Lemon : 1 No.
Candy sugar (Patika bellam ) : 150 gm
Honey : 50 gm
Extract juice of tomato, carrot, beet root and filter the same. Add candy sugar powder to it and prepare ‘paakam’ on SIM flame only. Add honey and lemon to the above and store in a bottle.
1 to 2 spoons with one glass water along with a little fresh lemon juice. If blood is less, use 3 times a day.
The bi-product remaining after juice is extracted can be used for face pack.
Anaemia problem subsides, skin glows and face complexion increases.
Recipe No.3
Add cream of milk to the bi-product obtained in recipe one and grind it in a mixie. Apply the paste as face pack thickly all over the face and below the eyes.
Expose your face to blue light (table lamp) so that the juice penetrates into the skin of face.
Stains, black spots are eliminated and face will glow after 15 to 20 days daily usage.
Recipe No.4
Complexion in winters.
Take a clean cotton kerchief and absorb the dew collected on tree leaves. Apply gently on face. Wait half an hour and take bath.
Face will glow brightly.
Recipe No5
Meditation for complexion:
Sit in Dhyana mudra and visualize that rays from cool moon light are falling on face while breathing in. Visualise that all stains, black spots on face are removed by the cool and pleasant moonlight while breathing out. Do this 15 to 20 min daily.
Before sleeping daily, visualize that your face is becoming fair and glowing with bright light and becoming attractive. One will reap the benefits without fail.
Recipe No.6
Chiri senagalu (small chana) : 500 gm
Add little by little chana to kadai on SIM flame and fry by adding 2 drops of cow’s ghee. Make powder after cooling.
Add cow’s milk or ghee and half spoon kasturi/turmeric, make fine paste and apply as a face pack.
Dark circles below eyes and black spots on chin/cheeks will vanish with good change within 4 to 5 days.
Rita powder (kunkudukayala podi) : 100 gm
Seekakaya powder : 100 gm
Usirika powder : 100 gm
Maaredu fruits powder (or paste) : 100 gm
Mix all of them and store.
Soak 3 spoonfuls powder for gents or 6 spoonfuls for ladies in hot water for 3 to 4 hours. Add one lemon’s juice and mix with a spoon. Apply the liquid paste to the head by massaging and after waiting for 5 min take bath. Follow the procedure once a week for 8 weeks.
Hair will grow strong and shiny.
Some girls may not mature even they have reached certain age. For them the following remedy works well.
. Mango Tree Bark(outer dark brown part)
· Pure Cow Milk
Grind and pound Mango tree bark and filter out 20 gms of juice from it.
Mix it in a small glass of cow milk and make the girl drink it daily.
This will remove any dosha in stomach and will help in maturing.
1. Take garlic peel in large quantity because on making ash it will come to small quantity.
2. Roast the garlic peel on a pan till it becomes black ash.
3. Filter the ash to get fine powder with a cotton cloth.
4. Add olive oil to this ash to make it just like hair die.
5. Preserve it for 7 days(do not store in refrigerator).
6. After 7 days apply it to hair in the same way as hair die. Preferably apply it at evening times and have head bath next morning.
7. For still better results don't do head bath the next day instead keep it like that for 2 to 3 days and then have a bath.
White Hair
-Have cow milk(preferably non-hybrid cow).
-Consume Guntagalagara(bringaraja) chatney along with food.
-Consume karam podi(made of mirchi powder,coconut, seseme seed oil) along with rice.
-Take good quality neem oil(vepa nune).
-One hour before having food, pour a drop of neem oil in nostrils and breath in.
-Bringaraj leaves, Usiri powder, Athimadhuram,
-Mix above and roast them.
-Then mix it with equal proportions of Black seseme seed powder(Nalla nuvvula podi) and candy sugar powder.
-Filter the powder.
- Have it along with a cup of water daily one hour before having food.
-Initially have half teaspoon and increase the dosage to one teaspoon regularly.
Recipe No.1:
Yogasanas for hair loss:
2) Matsyasana
Recipe No.2:
Take Jaaji leaves (sanna jaaji or vira jaaji) and flowers equally and add cow’s urine (naatu aavu mootram). Grind to paste and apply to hair in layers. Apply with the feeling that my hair will regrow. Wait for one hour before bath.
People with Kapha prakruti should take bath in the afternoon.
Perform the above at least once in a week.
Recipe No.3:
Hairfall due to paenu korukudu:
Drumsticks (nela munakkayalu), Nela vamkayalu and nela tomato roots in equal proportion. Make paste out of three varieties of roots and apply to scalp. If dry, fruits of above are available in the market. Make powder and mix with water to make paste before applying to scalp.
Recipe No.4:
Sugandha hair oil for hair fall and loss of hair in patches:
Raddish juice : 100 gm
Gunta galagara aaku juice: 100 gm
Onion juice : 100 gm
Podina juice : 100 gm
Palleru juice : 100 gm
Sesame oil (Nuvvula noone) : 500 gm
Mix all the above and buil till the juice evaporates and oil remains. Store in glass bottle.
Every day in the night apply warm oil and rub oil where patches are lost with the thoughts that my hair is regrowing in that part.
Recipe No.5:
Kesa soundarya tailamu:
Good quality coconut oil : 1 lt
Usiri rasamu (goose berry juice) : 1 lt
Guntagalagara aaku : 1 lt. (juice extracted without mixing water)
Aakupatri (Biryani aaku) : 50 gm
Paste of Tungagaddalu : 50 gm + Vattivellu 50 gm + Gandh kachchuralu : 50 gm + Maruvam/davanam : 50 gm (Make paste by adding water or milk)
Soak all the above constituents for 24 hours and boil on SIM flame till oil remains. Filter and store in a bottle. Apply to hair atleast thrice in a week.
Ample Hair growth in bunches.
Recipe No.1:
Coconut oil : 100 gm
Lemon juice : 100 gm (filtered)
Mix both of above constituents and boil in a mud vessel till the juice evaporates and oil remains (till the bubble formations disappear). Cool it and store in a bottle.
Apply on the head overnight till the scalp is soaked. Take head bath next day morning with Rita/Seekakai but not with shampoo.
Dandruff is eliminated and hair is protected.
Recipe No.2:
Red mandara (single petals) flowers : 100gm juice
Sesame oil (Nuvvula noone) : 100 gm
Black cow’s urine: 100 gm (Optional)
Mix three contents and boil on SIM flame. Filter and store in bottle.
Apply on the head overnight till the scalp is soaked. Take head bath next day morning with Rita/Seekakai but not with shampoo.
Dandruff eliminates and hair is protected.
Recipe No.3:
Make paste of Mandara flowers, black cow’s urine and black sesame seeds by grinding. Apply paste to head and take bath after one hour.
Wash pillow covers, combs after each application of paste. Do not use other’s combs.
Recipe No.4:
Fry khus khus and soak in sufficient HOT water for 4 to 5 hours. Apply to the hair in layers. After one hour take bath with Rita/Ayurvedic Shampoo.
Recipe No.5:
Make powder from Vasa sticks and store. Mix little powder with water make paste and apply to scalp. A little burning sensation may be there. Take bath with Rita powder after 15 to 30 min. take head bath as above once a week.
Old Dandruff will be completely eliminated.
Make a paste of Sonti and Lavanga(cloves) with water. Apply this paste daily. It cures pimples effectively.
Make a paste of JAJIKAYA with water. Apply this paste for 30 days. Pimples will be reduced and no marks will be left.
Cut an Onion(neerulli) into two halves. Take one half and rub it to face. After half an hour wash face. Do it regularly and pimples will be cured.
Kasturi Pasupu(Turmeric powder)
Lemon juice
Mix them to get a paste. Apply this to face regularly. Pimples will be cured.
Apply the water that is obtained after washing rice(ganji). This will also cure pimples.
(Few recipes - As published in Dr.Elchuri's literature)
Recipe No.1:
Take Rasanjanam, karakkaya, usirikaya in equal parts make powder and store. If the day of menstruation is counted as first, take 5 gm ofthis powder with cold water from 4th day to 16th day. Conception will be prevented. To be done every month.
Recipe No.2:
Take Pippali, vayuvidangalu, veligaram boiled on coal in equal parts (all in powder form) mix and store. Take 3 gms with milk from 4th day to 16th day. Conception can be prevented. To be done every month.
Recipe No.3:
Take 10 gms chiri vellu juice along with water of soaked rice (biyyam kadigina neeru) on 11th, 12th and 13th day. Conception will be prevented. To be done every month.
Black spots on Lips will develop due to excess paitya in stomach and entry of vaayu in head.
Recipe No.1:
Dhania powder : 100 gm (Fry and make powder)
Jeera Powder : 100 gm (Fry and make powder)
Candy sugar : 100 gm (Powder)
Mix the above and store. Take one spoon with water twice a day.
Black stains, cracks, swelling, whitishness on the sides, burning sensation will get eliminated.
Recipe No.2:
Grind rose petals with butter and apply on the lips in the night and wash early in the morning. Lips beauty will be preserved.
Recipe No.3:
Grind crystal salt (kallu uppu) to fine powder, sieve it and add to ghee.Apply the paste to lips.
Sores on lips, black spots, cracks will be cleared.
Recipe No.4:
Add 2 or 3 drops of Glycerine or lemon juice to half tomato juice and massage on lips. Black spots will be cleared.
Recipe No.5:
Jaaji kaya powder : 50 gm
Good turmeric : 50 gm
Cow’s ghee : 50 gm
Powder of jaaji kaya: Pour milk in a vessel. Cover the top with a cloth duly tied. Place jaaji kaya pieces on the top of cloth and boil on SIM for 10 min.The vapor of milk is absorbed by jaaji pieces. They dry the pieces and make powder.
Turmeric powder: Collect good quality turmeric sticks and make powder.Sieve and store.
Mix jaaji powder and turmeric and store in a bottle. Add sufficient ghee to ½ spoon powder, make paste and apply to lips.
Stains will go away and lips will turn beautiful and glow with redness,.
Swelling, cracks, sores etc also will be eliminated.
Recipe No.6:
Jaajiaya powder : 10 gm
Turmeric : 10 gm
Cow’s ghee : 10 gm
Bees wax : 20 gm
Boil bees wax and ghee on SIM flame, sieve and add turmeric, jaaji powder.Grind them to paste and store in an air tight tin. Apply paste before going to bed.
Black spots on account of entry of ‘vaayu in head’ will vanish and lips will glow naturally.
Recipe No.7:
Apply 1 or 2 drops mustard oil in the navel (boddu) and gently massage navel.
Lips will become crack free and glow naturally.
Recipe No.8:
Make pieces of Ippa chekka, wash and dry. Pound them to paste, sieve and store.
Add a little ghee to 1/8 spoon powder and apply to lips in the night .
Cracks, sores, blackness will disappear and lips will become smooth and glow.
Hair baldness arises due to
i) Non applictaion of hair oil.
ii) Development of excess heat
iii) Lack of exercises
Recipe No.1:
Yoga and exercises:
i) Spell out 'Om' for 10 times
ii) Sarvangasanam
iii) Ushtrasanam
iv) Shupta Vajrasanam
v) Visualisation exercise:
Sit in sukhasana posture, close your eyes and visualise your head portion. Visualise that all the excess heat from your head is dissipated. Visualise locks of silky, shinking hair growth in the bald portion without any bald patches. Do this for 10 minutes daily. Hair regrows.
Recipe No.2:
Tonsure the entire head and do the following:
i) Apply raddish juice with a cotton cloth by stretching the skin where bald is present so that the applied juice enters the blocked roots of the hair. Apply juice round the head and on the patches of hair loss before going to bed. Take bath early in the morning with Ayurvedic shampoo.
ii) Put 2 droops of sesame oil in the nostrils and breathe in. Due to this the closed pores of the root ends of hair that was lost will reopen and hair regrows.
iii) Repeat the tonsure process once again after 15 days and apply raddish juice and nose drops as mentioned above.
Benefits: Within 3 to 6 months hair regrows again in the bald portions.
Recipe No.3:
Kalabanda hair oil:
Kalabanda gujju : 1/4 kg.
Coconut oil : 1/4 kg.
Mix the above and boil on SIM flame till oil remains. Before removing from flame add a fistful of maruvam/davanam. Before the leaves turn black, remove from flame, filter and store.
Oil can be used daily. Those having hair problems, the oil should be applied in warm condition to each layer of hair till it soaks into the roots.
The roots of hair will be strengthened, excess heat in head reduces, nerves will be cooled, dandruff will be eliminated, oiliness in head goes away, itching in head vanishes, hair fall, grey hair, bald head, penukorukudu etc. problems will be solved.
Recipe No.4:
Jatamamsi : 100 gm
Chengalva kostu : 100 gm
Black sesame : 100 gm
Sugandhaphala roots : 100 gm
Tamara ginjalu : 100 gms.
Grind all the above to paste with water, add 500 gm naatu cow's ghee and boil on SIM flame till ghee remains. Filter the ghee and store.
Apply this ghee to the head daily or atleast two times a week.
Baldhead problem will be resolved.
Recipe No.5:
Tips for Bald head problem:
i) Wrap wet cloth around head. Wrap one dry cloth over it and on the top one thikck bed sheet. Excess heat is removed, head gets warmed and the closed roots will re-open.
ii) Apply neem oil or mustard oil by Nasya karma
iii) Apply hair oil atleast two times a week. Use Bringraj hair oil or kalbanda hair oil or usirika hairoil or coconut oil till the oil reaches roots. Gently massage and wrap one cloth. Take head bath with soap nut or seeka kaya early in the morning.
iv) Soak 5 pieces triphalas (Taanikaaya, usirikaya, karakkaya) over night. Apply the filtered water to head and comb the hair. Hair fall stops and hair regrows.
v) Apply onion juice with cotton cloth on the bald patches and gently massage. Take bath after it is dried.
vi) Make paste of onion seeds powder by grinding with water. Apply the paste on the bald patches and take bath after it dries.
Recipe No.6:
Take boorugu jiguru (gum), nela taadi dumpalu and tamara ginjalu in equal proportion, make pieces, dry and make powder and store. Take little powder grind it with water and apply the paste to the bald portion. Wait for one hour and wash. Do this for 2 to 3 times a week till the hair restarts growing.
Recipe No.1:
Food tips:
Avoid eating chocolate, outside food.
Take nuvvula laddu, minappappu laddus, coconut laddus, dampudu rice.
Recipe No.2:
Atibala tailam:
Take tutturubenda/mudrabenda/Atibala leaves, branches and roots. Make piece, dry them and make atibala powder.
Add ¼ kg vasa sticks powder to ¼ kg Atibala powder. Take 50 gm of above powder in a flat glass vessel and add 150 gm sesame oil. Place it in sunshine for 3 days. Then filter oil and store.
Apply to entire body before one hour of bath and gently massage.
Physique will improve to the required size. This is the oil which Gaandhari applied to Duryodhana in Mahabharata times.
Recipe No.3:
Cow’s milk : 20 gm
Cow’s ghee : 10 gm
Good honey : 20 gm
Candy sugar crystals : 20 gm
Boil milk, cool and add all the above constituents. Take food at 7 pm and take the above milk at 10 pm for one week. Increase the milk by 5 gm after one week and repeat for four weeks.
Weak persons become strong and will build up good personality.
Recipe No.4:
Nuvvula noone:
Apply nuvvula noone to the entire body one hour before bath and gently massage.
Weak persons become fat and fat persons become lean to the desired proportion.
Recipe No.5:
i) Take ginger, lemon and honey 1 spoon each for indigestion.
ii) Agastya lehyam – one spoon thrice a day.
iii) Ayurvedic sambar powder
Recipe No.6:
Take good jowar, barley seeds in equal proportion and fry on SIM flame separately. Prepare ravva separately and store them separately.
-Take 50 gm ravva of jowar in the morning, boil it in cow’s milk, add 5 or 6 dry grapes, 4 or 5 spoons ghee and take paayasam in the morning.
-Repeat the same with 50 gm barley ravva in the night.
Appetite increases and lean persons become fat within four weeks.